Janet Greenlees is a Senior Lecturer in History and Deputy Director of the Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare. She has a BA from St. Olaf College and a MA and DPhil from the University of York.
Janet’s research interests range broadly across 19th and 20th Century American and British history. My recent work has focused on occupational and environmental health, women’s health and public health. Specific research topics have included occupational and environmental health in the British and American textile industries; gender and occupational health; the Church of Scotland as a provider of health and welfare; the health and healthcare of unmarried mothers; and the Queen’s Nurses.
She has sat on the Executive Committee of the Society for the Social History of Medicine and served as their postgraduate co-ordinator for five years. She also sits on the History Advisory Committee of the QNIS.
Janet has published research papers in Social History of Medicine, Medical History, Urban History, amongst other journals as well as edited collections. Her monograph, Female Labour Power: Women Workers’ Influence on Business Practices in the British and American Cotton Industries, c. 1790-1860 was published with Ashgate in 2007. She has also co-edited Western Maternity and Medicine, 1880-1900 (Pickering and Chatto, 2013) and edited Caring for the Poor in Twentieth Century Britain (2014).
Email: janet.greenlees@gcu.ac.uk